Minutes of Executive Committee Meeting ECM2013-15(03)

[level-executive-member] Date : 1st September, 2013
Time : 2:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m.
Venue : TWGHs Wong Fut Nam College, 沙田大圍新翠邨

Attendance List
Executive Committee Members Lam Ka Hang ( President )
Yuen Kai Tak (Vice-President )
Tang Cheung Shing ( Hon. Secretary )
Lee hung Kin ( 1981 )
Yip Man Keung ( 1986 )
Lai Chun Man ( 1989 )
Lee Chi Wing ( 1984 )
Choi Chi Kun (1970 )
Chan Tin Lin ( 1978 )
Chan Tin Lin ( 1984 )
Lau King Tang ( 1983 )
Yung Ming Chau, Michael (1993 )

Advisors Leung Chi Kin, Michael (Principal )
Chong Kin Chung (1965)
Others Lee Ka Po ( 2007 )
Chan Lai Sha ( 1991 )

1 Meeting call to order
President took the chair to conduct the meeting.
Lam Ka Hang further declared the necessary quorum was present and the meeting would proceed with the stipulated business.

2 Adoption of agenda
Chairman Lam Ka Hang listed out the agenda, and it was unanimously agreed and adopted.

3 Approval of the meeting minutes of 7th July 2013. ECM
It was resolved that the minutes of ECM 7th July be approved and adopted.

4 Monthly Open Days 13/14 for Alumni
After consulting Principal Leung, the Monthly Open Days for Alumni was proposed to start from November.

5 Account report of farewell dinner
Due to Gary Li’s absence, the account report was postponed to present in next meeting.
Lam Ka Hang requested any pending payment or receipt of the Farewell Dinner should be passed to Gary Li ASAP for the final financial report.

6 Webpage update

It was reported
• A free member wording was listed in the WFNaa Web-site which made confusion of free WFNaa membership. It was subjected to change the word to visitor member or Web-member.
• Lai Chun Man requested more guys to support the administration work for the forum and a new authorization group would be set for the forum administrator.
• All requests of web-member were pending for approval at this moment.

Follow-up of the WFNaa Webpage progress
It was reported
• Some errors occurred during the data upload testing
• Non Executive Committee Members were able to read the meeting minutes.
• A testing for checking the WFNaa website’s operation by log-on as general member.

Yip Man Keung will request the vendor to review all operation testing and solve all issues.

7 Photo & Essay competition progress
Up to this moment, only one photoset and one essay have been submitted.
After the discussion, it was proposed to delay the deadline to 2013-12-31 for these competitions.
8 Membership update
For year 96 graduates’ information were passed to WFNaa but it was also the least registration of alumni membership in this decades.

9 Status review of on line auction for Yung Sir and Cheng Sir paintings
There are 5 paintings of Yung Sir and 2 paintings of Lau Sir
These paintings will be displayed on WFNaa Forum
After the discussion, It was proposed that
• The deadline of this action was on 2013-12-31.
• The minimum sale price was 1K each. It would be bidden openly for all WFN alumni only.
• Each bid price was $100.
• The highest bidding price would be displayed weekly on the WFNaa Web-site.

10 A.O.B.

10.1 The Panorama of old school
It was completed and showed during the meeting. It is magnificent and covers all most parts of the old school campus.
It was subjected to upload some part of this panorama to the WFNaa Web-site for sales promotion.

10.2 Mentoring Program
We had a long discussion for it. Below were the main points for it.
• It can be a career talk and career internship for short term program for the students.
• It can help students to develop their career in future time.
• A mentoring is for long term program for the students. It can help them to build their personal development.
• Camping is a good arrangement for the career talk rather than a formal talk in school.
• By these programs, we target to delivery a reality of HK society and career environment to the student.
• Principal Leung proposed WFNaa to work with Parent-Teacher Association for these programs.
• The target candidates for these programs are the junior students ( F1- F3 )

10.3 High Table Dinner
This event was co-operated by WFNC Student Union and successfully held in 2013.
Principal reported that he would request WFNC Student Union to hold this High-Table Dinner in coming year.
This event can train up students’ abilities about
• Fundraising
• Inviting speaker
• Event preparation

The selection of students for this High-Table Dinner:
It was suggested that other than the representative of Student Union, Prefect and out-standing students, chances should be given to all other students. It may select two from each class at random.

10.4 Principal Leung reported the status of the school removal.
• There were total over 3000 boxes for this removal.
• Due to the bad weather and lift issue, additional several ten thousand dollars was needed.
• The retrieval of the marble plates of the pair of Motto in old school’s hall has started, but there were many difficulties.
• The wood floors in the hall were too thin for reuse but the wood planks in the balcony were OK to be reused.
• Principal Leung participated in the redevelopment meeting on every Wednesday.
• Photos would be taken weekly to keep the record for the WFNC redevelopment project.
• The temporary new site for WFNC had many problems. The worst one is the leakage issue in the roof causing all classrooms in 5th floor not usable.
• It was reported to Education Department. The School Improvement Team would help to resolve these issues.

10.5 Other reports by Principal Leung
• Up to now, there are 3 big donations for the WFNC redevelopment ( 15M , 3M and 250K )
• The foundation tender was raised. The target date for the foundation construction would be in 2014.
• Music Recording
 It was complained the student had not well practiced for the recording. The recording was stopped.
 Mr Lo would follow the case, and Principal requested the students to practice well before next recording.
• 500 Farewell Event Booklets were reserved for WFNaa
• Home coming concert would be carried on soon.
• WFNC’s DSE result :
 Passed Level 2 or Above 99%
 Passed 3,3,2,2,2 or above 86.5%
 Admission to University 57.5%

10.6 Influenza Vaccination
This program was very successful last year. It was proposed to be held in 2013 also.
By the discussion and previous experience, below were the suggestions:
• It was better to start the program before the winter.
• It should start to get the quotation of the Influenza Vaccination and the preparation of this program now.
• For the price, it could be marked up higher for the students’ parents and lower for the students.

10.7 BBQ event
During the meeting, it was proposed to hold BBQ in around Chinese New Year. Details would be handled in later time.

11 The Close of the Meeting
The meeting was closed at 6:30 pm.

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