1. Name
The name of this organization shall be Tung Wah Group of Hospitals Wong Fut
Nam College Alumni Association (TWGHsWFNAA) or in Chinese 東華三院黃笏
2. Definition
In these presents, unless the context otherwise requires:
2.1. The Association means the above named Tung Wah Group of Hospitals
Wong Fut Nam College Alumni Association.
2.2. The Executive Committee means the Executive Committee of the
2.3. The school means the TWGHs Wong Fut Nam College.
3. Address
The registered address of the Association shall be 1C, Oxford Road, Kowloon
Tong, Hong Kong.
4. Objectives
The Association shall be a non-profit making organization. Any surplus from its
activities shall be used in other activities of the Association to enhance the
objectives of the Association.
The objectives of the Association shall be:
4.1 To provide opportunity for and encourage mutual support amongst
4.2 To maintain relationship and co-ordination between the school and
4.3 To secure the rights of the school and the Association.
5. Membership
5.1 Qualifications
Membership shall be open for application by any person who has once
enrolled in and has left the school.
Every eligible person, upon application on the form, payment of the
enrolment and annual membership fees and approval by the Executive
Committee shall become a member of the Association.
5.2 Classification
Members of the Association are divided into Annual Members, Life
Members and Pre-members.
5.2.1 Annual Member Any person who fulfils the qualification set out at Article 5.1 shall be
eligible to become an Annual Member. Every Annual Member will have to pay the annual membership fee. Eligible Annual Members may become Life Members. Every Annual Member shall have rights and obligations as described
5.2.2 Life Member Pre-members who have ceased to be students of the College shall
become Life Members automatically subject to no outstanding Fees
and deposit payable to the Association for the time being. Annual Members whose membership as Annual Members have
been maintained for at least six (6) years or cumulatively paid $500
shall become Life Members automatically subject to no outstanding
Fees payable to the Association for the time being. Alumni who apply for admission and, with approval of the Executive
Committee, join the Association will become a Life Member upon
payment of prescribed Fees. Life Member is not required to pay annual fee. Every Life Member shall have rights and obligations as described
5.2.3 Pre-member Any student who fulfils the qualification set out at Article 5.1 (except
the requirement that he has left the school) shall be eligible to
become a pre-member. Every Pre-member will have to pay a prescribed non-refundable
deposit. Eligible Pre-members may become Life Members. Every Pre-member shall not have voting right at any and all
5.3 Rights
Every member shall have the following rights:
5.3.1 To attend, speak and vote (except Pre-member) at all general
meetings of the Association; and
5.3.2 Subject to the provisions hereof shall be eligible to be elected to any
office of the Executive Committee.
5.4 Obligations
5.4.1 Acceptance of Constitution
Every member must accept the Objectives of the Association set out
at Article 4 and agree to comply with Constitution of the Association.
No member shall be absolved from the observance of the
Constitution on the plea that a copy of it has not been received.
5.4.2 Support and Participation
Every member shall actively participate in the functions organized by
the Association.
5.4.3 Goodwill
Every member shall use his best endeavours to promote and protect
the goodwill of the Association.
5.5 Fees and Dues
5.5.1 Every member shall pay:
(a) Upon admission by the Association, an annual subscription
fee as may be determined by the Executive Committee from
time to time and to be endorsed by way of special resolution
of the Association; and/or,
(b) any other general or specific contributions as the Executive
Committee may from time to time determine and for which it
may be liable in accordance with these Articles or any rules
made in pursuance hereof
(Collectively, the “Fees”).
5.5.2 All Fees, once paid, are non-refundable and shall be payable in
advance at such time and in such manner as the Executive
Committee may from time to time determine.
5.6 Termination
5.6.1 The Executive Committee shall, after full inquiry, request a member
to renounce his membership if he:
(a) acts against the Objectives of the Association; or
(b) violates any provisions of the Constitution; or
(c) is guilty of any conduct likely to be obstructive or injurious to
the interests, activities of Objectives of the Association; or
(d) does anything to hinder the business of the Association; or
(e) is convicted of an indictable offence (traffic offences
5.6.2 If such member shall not renounce his membership within fourteen
days, the Executive Committee shall call for an Extraordinary
General Meeting to expel such member from the Association. No
appeal shall lie from their such determination of expulsion to any
other meeting or Court of Law.
5.6.3 Members renouncing membership at the request of the Executive
Committee and those expelled shall not be entitled to any refunds of
membership fee.
6. Executive Committee
The governing body of the Association shall be the Executive Committee. All
decision, policies, and actions of the Executive Committee and the Association
shall be subject to the provisions of this Constitution and policies established by
its members.
6.1 Organisation
6.1.1 The Executive Committee shall consist of the following Officers:
(a) a President
(b) a Vice-president
(c) a Secretary
(d) a Treasurer
(e) a Public Relations Officer
(f) a Membership Officer
(g) a Publications Officer
(h) a General Affairs Officer
6.1.2 The Officers shall be elected under the provisions set out hereafter.
6.1.3 The term of the office of the Officers elected at Annual General
Meeting shall be 2 years until the conclusion of next alternate Annual
General Meeting.
6.2 Qualifications
All members save and except the pre-members shall be eligible to be
elected or appointed to any office of the Executive Committee.
7. Meetings
7.1 Type of Meetings
7.1.1 A general meeting shall be held once every calendar year. Such
general meeting shall be called the Annual General Meeting.
7.1.2 All other general meetings are called Extraordinary General
7.1.3 An Extraordinary General Meeting may be held:
(a) by the Executive Committee at any time; or
(b) upon the request of 20 members.
On the above request(s), the Executive Committee shall hold the
Meeting within one month.
7.1.4 Executive Committee Meeting shall be held at least once a month.
7.2 Notice
Notice of meeting shall be sent to all members at least 7 days before the
meeting is to be held whereas 14 days’ notice in writing shall be served
for Annual General Meeting.
7.3 Quorum
7.3.1 At Executive Committee Meeting
Any four committee members, one of whom must be the President or
the Vice-president, shall constitute a quorum at any meeting of the
7.3.2 At General Meeting
No business shall be transacted at any general meeting unless a
quorum of members with voting right is present at the time when the
meeting proceeds to business and continues to be present until the
conclusion of the meeting; save as otherwise provided, at least
twenty-three (23) members or such numbers of the members having
five (5) per cent of voting right at any general meeting of the
Association, whichever the number is lesser, for the time being
personally present shall be a quorum.
If within half an hour from the time appointed for a general meeting of
the Association a quorum is not present, the meeting of convened
upon the requisition of members, shall be dissolved; and in any other
case it shall stand adjourned to the same day in the next week, at
the same time and place or to such other day and at such other time
and place as the Executive Committee may determine, and if at the
adjourned meeting a quorum is not present with half an hour from
the time appointed for the meeting the members present shall be
The President, if any, of the Executive Committee shall preside as
chairperson at every general meeting of the Association, or if there is
no such President, or if he/she shall not be present within 15 minutes
after the time appointed for the holding of the meeting or is unwilling
to act or is absent from Hong Kong or has given notice to the
Association of his/her intention not to attend the meeting, the
Committee Members present shall elect one of their number to be
chairman of the meeting.
If at any meeting no Committee Members is willing to act as
chairperson or if no Committee Members is present within 15
minutes after the time appointed for holding the meeting, the Voting
Members present shall choose one of their members to be chairman
of the meeting.
The chairman may, with the consent of any meeting at which a
quorum is present (and shall if so directed by the meeting), adjourn
the meeting from time to time and from place to place, but no
business shall be transacted at any adjourned meeting other than
the business left unfinished at the meeting from which the
adjournment took place. When a meeting is adjourned for thirty (30)
days or more, notice of the adjourned meeting shall be given as in
the case of an original meeting. Save as aforesaid it shall not be
necessary to give any notice of an adjournment or of the business to
be transacted at an adjourned meeting.
8. Voting
8.1 At Executive Committee Meeting
The resolution put to vote at the meeting shall be decided by a show of
hands or by ballot. No member shall vote by proxy, any other instrument,
or his representative.
8.2 At General Meeting
8.2.1 With the exception of the Officers Election, the resolution put to vote
at a meeting shall be decided by a show of hands, unless a poll is
(before or on the declaration of the result of show of hands)
demanded by the President of by at least 2 members present in
8.2.2 Each member shall be entitled to one vote personally.
8.3 A re-vote on spot shall be carried out when same votes received on any
single resolution. If the position is still undecided in the re-vote, the
President of the Meeting shall cast the deciding vote.
9. Officers Election
9.1 Election of the Officers shall be held at the Annual General Meeting.
9.2 All Officers are eligible for re-election in the ensuing year.
10. Sub-Committee
10.1 The Executive Committee shall determine the numbers and types of the
sub-committees deemed proper and necessary for carrying out and
promotion of the Objectives and purposes of the Association.
10.2 Sub-committee chairman shall be appointed by the Executive Committee
from amongst the members.
10.3 The sub-committee chairman shall report to the Executive Committee
from time to time on request of the affairs of the sub-committee and shall
execute and carry resolution of the Executive Committee with respect to
those duties and directions to which he has been specifically designated.
11. Debts and Liabilities
The debts and liabilities of the Association shall be borne equally among all
12. Duration
The Association shall exist so long as it continues to function in accordance with
the provisions of the constitution or until it is dissolved by the Association upon
its own determination and action confirmed by over two third of the members
present in person and voting in a general meeting.
Upon dissolution, all rights and privileges of the Association relating to the name
shall be relinquished. Any usage of the remaining assets shall be decided by the
13. Amendment
This Constitution may be amended by a resolution adopted by over two third of
its members present and voting in a general meeting of the Association.