
東華三院第一中學 – 東華三院黃笏南中學








奠基禮於一九六一年舉行,由教育司高詩雅司憲奠基石。那時校舍尚未建成, 學校借用位於港島灣仔的東華三院香港第三小學(現為東華三院李賜豪小學)上課,設有中文部和英文部,共收生二百多人,首任校長為余世鵬先生。






61-62余世鵬 , 62-67謝振有, 67-72吳美文 (Mrs. Board), 72-77丘維清, 77-95許黃景文, (劉顯奇曾於許黃景文住英國進修時任校長), 95-01韓孝述, 01-08嚴展明, 梁志堅 (現任)












所有曾經入讀「東華三院第一中學」與「東華三院黃笏南中學」學生皆可成為會員, 只需填報入會表格,繳交會費及承諾遵守會章,經幹事委員會核准,便完成入會手續,為母校及校友會發光發熱


活動項目 (最近數年)


運動會及東亞運火炬傳遞 (2009年灣仔運動場)

升學就職講座 :邀請校友及知名人仕為母校主講



回歸音樂會 (2009年開始第一屆,每年八月最後一個星期六或日舉行):母校擁有多隊獲獎無數大小樂團,校友更自組黃笏南中學歷屆畢業生管樂樂團,互相交流,有見及此,校友會與母校樂隊特聯合擧辦音樂會,除推廣外,亦讓校友及新同學感受母校在音樂範疇的成就

打流感預防針: 以特價為校友,家長及同學注射流感預防針

招待個別小組校友回校作特別活動: 包括探訪老師、懷舊之旅、小型聚餐、拍畢業相、結婚照等

邀請校友協助各類活動及慶典等: 例如畢業禮主禮嘉賓,贊助樂隊出國交流比賽

邀請校友贊助母校各類活動、設施、及獎學金等: 詳情請參閱會務報告



1. 勤儉忠信石碑 放在正門左側花圃 1965年同學捐贈

2. 南苑石刻 放在正門右側花圃 197879年同學捐贈

3. 銅鐘 放在雨操場 1980年同學捐贈

4 母校模型 (舊校) 放在將來校史館 1965年同學捐贈






豐富籌款告別校園聚餐晚宴,校友團聚,同窗述離情,師生細味當年,餐費每位港幣1000元(包括讌請師長,除精美紀念品外,送永久會籍,永久會員特價600元, 永久會員亦可特價包枱一圍12人, 特價7200元,除必要開支外、餘數將可用於支援學校重建及校友會會務),由於場地所限,禮堂只可容納43圍,雨操場17圍,為免向隅,報名從速,額滿即止。


六月三十日 及 七月一日 







詳情留意母校網站 www.twghwfns.edu.hk




校園告別儀式 下午四時至七時

四時至六時 茶敘,校史展覽,攝影留念

六時至七時 告別校舍儀式:嘉賓,老師,校友,學生


八月一日 開始拆卸










Tung Wah Group of Hospitals Wong Fut Nam College Alumni Association

The Sound of Music Reminds Us to Love, be Kind, be Poetic and Well Mannered

Humbly Being Taught to Learn Wide and Think Wisely, Master the History and Present


From TWGHs Number 1 College to the TWGHs Wong Fut Nam College



Tung Wah Group of Hospitals Wong Fut Nam College was founded in 1961 by the Tung Wah Group of Hospitals, and named “Tung Wah Group of Hospitals Number 1 College.

The foundation stone laying ceremony was held in 1961, by the Secretary for Education Mr. Douglas James Smyth Crozier.

The school borrowed space for classes at the Wanchai TWGHs Hong Kong Number 3 Primary School (now named TWGHs Li Chi Ho Primary School). The school had both Chinese and English departments, and taken in a total of more than two hundred students, the first school Principal was Mr. Yu Sai Pang.

In 1962, with the completion of the school premises, the opening ceremony was held on March 26, chaired by Mr. Richard Charles Lee, members of the Executive and Legislative Councils.
In 1971, the Tung Wah Group of Hospitals Chairman Philip Wong Kin Hang’s father Mr. Wong Fut Nam donated $ 500,000 and the Number 1 College was named “Tung Wah Group of Hospitals Wong Fut Nam College”. Mr. Wong Fut Nam was committed to life-long charity, spared no effort to education, and had taught eight years in a Canadian Chinese school to nurture talents, tirelessly.

In 1979, Mr Wong Fut Nam donated $ 30,000 to the school for teaching instruments and equipments.
Mr. Philip Wong Kin Hang, JP also spares no effort to the school. In 1990, Mr. Philip Wong Kin Hang, JP donated $ 1.5 million to the school to build a new wing. In 1995, he again donated $ 250000 to the school to set up the language room.



61-62 Mr. Yu Sai Pang , 62-67 Mr. Tse Chun Yau, 67-72 Ms. Ng Mei Man (Mrs. Board), 72-77 Mr. Yao Wai Ching, 77-95 Mrs. Hui Wong King Man, (Mr. Lau Hin Kei stepped in while Mrs. Hui Wong King Man was studying in England), 95-01 Mr. Hon Hau Shut, 01-08 Mr. Yim Chin Ming, Mr. Leung Chi Kin (now)



The Tung Wah Group of Hospitals Wong Fut Nam College Alumni Association is established to contact and unite the alumni, for the betterment of the alma mater and contribution to the society



Through the provision of various activities, we hope to consolidate generations of alumni, strengthen their bond with the alma mater, promote the exchange of experience, to assist the alma mater’s development, and to promote the alma mater’s motto “ Diligence, Frugality, Loyalty & Faithfulness.”

Our motto is: “unified goal, solidarity, to challenge our potential & to serve our community.”


Organizational structure

Alumni activities are executed and supervised by the Executive Committee

The Executive Committee is elected by the Annual General Meetings of the Alumni Association stipulated by the Constitution. The scope of work follows the direction set by the AA according to the mission and Constitution. Alumni activities are executed, supervised, publicised and get connected.

Major positions of the Executive Committee include President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer. There are other positions for public relations and publicity.



All students admitted to the Tung Wah Group of Hospitals Wong Fut Nam College (formerly TWGHs No. 1 College) can apply for membership. After payment of membership fee and commitment to comply with the constitution, membership is confirmed with the Executive Committee’s approval. Alumni can then strive and excel for the alma mater and Alumni Association.


Activities (in recent years)
Social gatherings: the 40th anniversary, the 45th anniversary and the 50th anniversary dinners, 2011 former Principal Mrs. Hui Wong King Man return and birthday dinner, Scout 171 Brigade reunion dinner, the 30th anniversary dinner of 1980 graduates, the Chinese Springtime gatherings, etc.


Atheletic Games and East Asian Games torch relay (2009 Wan Chai Stadium)


Career Talk: Invite alumni and distinguished persons as speakers


Christmas Fun Fair: Aimed at strengthening the link between the alma mater, students and alumni, the Christmas get-together (or end of the Lunar Year) with alumni stall game booths, publicises through the games the Alumni Association and spreads our mission


Small scaled open days and alumni visits: Alumni Association specifies days (usually the ECM will also be meeting at school, over the past few years each month the first Sundays’ afternoons, except for special days), when alumni are free to spend time at school and to pick up happy moments of student years


Homecoming Concert (since 2009, the last Saturday or Sunday of August each year): alma mater has multiple award-winning orchestras, the alumni wind band has also been formed and experiences are shared. In view of this, the Alumni Association and his alma mater, the alumni band join hands to hold the Homecoming Concerts for promotion as well as letting alumni and new students feel for the alma mater’s musical achievement


Flu shots: Significant discounts for alumni, students and their parents


Entertaining alumni groups back to school for special events: including visiting teachers, nostalgic trips, small fests, graduation photos, wedding photos, etc.


Inviting alumni to assist in various activities and celebrations: for example, officiating at the Speech Days, sponsoring the school band’s overseas exchanges & competitions


Inviting alumni to sponsor the alma mater’s activities, facilities, and scholarships: For more details, please refer to the committee reports


Heritage: Alumni contributions to the alma mater as legasies

1 Carved granite slab “ Diligence, Frugality, Loyalty & Faithfulness ” on the flower garden, left side of the main entrance, donated by 1965 alumni

2 “South Garden” carved stone on the flower garden, right side of the main entrance, donated by 1978 and 79 alumni

3 Bronze bell in the rain playground, donated by 1980 alumni

4 Alma mater model (old school campus) on the future history museum, donated by 1965 alumni


Bid farewell to the campus


June 29 Alumni Reunion Day

Morning and
afternoon activities & games for fun;

Fundraising campus farewell dinner, alumni reunion, classmate reminese, teachers and students savor the years, meals set at $1000/person (including attending teachers, souvenirs, life membership fee and necessary expenses, the remainder will be used for school reconstruction and alumni affairs. Discounts for life members: $600 for one person, $7200 for a table of 12). Due to limited space and to avoid disappointment, please register early.


June 30 & July 1 Alma mater thoroughly Open Day

Alumni reunion, suitable for all, souvenir photo opportunities, arts exhibition for our late Mr. Yung Hon Wah


July 19 Campus Farewell Ceremony 4:00 to 7:00 pm

4:00 to 6:00 pm Tea break, school history exhibition, a souvenir photo

6:00 pm to 7:00 pm Campus Farewell Ceremony: guests, teachers, alumni, students


August 1 Demolition starts


Important project in the future

The campus reconstruction, heritage

The Alumni Association will help raise funds for reconstruction. Activities include: creating video discs to reproduce alma mater’s old campus, images, auction off commemorative items in the alma mater.

Utilise information technology to enhance publicity and contact alumni, so as to outperform the success of the 50th anniversary.

A high fidelity compact disc will be made for the 2010 anniversary recital. Alma mater’s Symphony Orchestra has skilled, superb performances, alumnus Mr. Lai Chun Man contact Luen Hing Electrical Company to produce the high fidelity CD. The production lasts years and once completed, it will be good as a collectible and for enjoyment.

The old school premises, after years of renovations and extensions, could not meet today’s teaching needs. Now the reconstruction is fixed. Alma mater and the alumni want to contact more alumni from all around, and hope everyone has a last chance to return to his alma mater, reunion, reconsile, regain friendship…..


From the alma mater in our dreams, to rubbles and demolished buildings, and then back to the alma mater of our dreams, it takes three months.

From the ancient alma mater, to the unexpandible campus, and then back to the alma mater in our heart, just come back to school for a few hours.